Advent Calendar – Santa Claus

Santa Claus - Advent of Christmas MemoriesThis post is part of a blogging theme entitled Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories at Geneabloggers.

The question:  Did you ever send a letter to Santa? Did you ever visit Santa and “make a list?” Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

Personally, I don’t recall ever sending a letter to Santa but I did make lists.

The highlight every year at my rural school was the Christmas concert where Santa was sure to make an appearance.   The fact that Santa looked like one of the portly neighbours didn’t faze us kids.  We believed!  At least we pretended to!

I grew up on a cattle ranch in Saskatchewan and life was about practicalities.  I started my school years  in Hatfield, three quarters of a mile walk from our place.   One room, 8 grades and I was in the biggest class.  We had three grade “oners”.  By grade four we were being bussed into town to the ‘big school’.

I remember my mother telling me in grade one or two to not let on that I knew who Santa really was…or wasn’t.  My younger brother and sister still believed.

Our children did send letters to Santa and received replies!

Do I still believe in Santa?  I believe in the magic of the time of the year, the family closeness and the gatherings.  Santa still brings a gift to each of us.  The best part of Christmas is being together.